Tell sludge disposal from sludge treatment clearly Learn from foreign experience

Author: Taida machine       Release time:2016-08-20
Reading guidance:Sludge treatment mainly technology is mainly take the different is the concept of sludge treatment and disposal of sludge, sludge treatment of the main purpose is to realize sludge reduction, harmless
    Sludge treatment mainly technology is mainly take the different is the concept of sludge treatment and disposal of sludge, sludge treatment of the main purpose is to realize sludge reduction, harmless and stability. At present, the sludge treatment of sewage treatment plant sludge dehydration technology, mainly to reduce the water content of sludge, sludge volume reduction purposes. The disposal of sludge to the sludge final disposal to find the source, is to achieve sludge resource pathways important stage. Foreign and disposal stage started earlier in the sludge treatment and disposal stages with rich experience, our country enterprise and sludge treatment mechanism to the experience, better to reduce the sludge on the environment pollution.
    Before discussing about sludge problem, clarify the terminology for sludge treatment and disposal in China first. At present the sludge treatment and sludge disposal is not accurate explanation, cause the concept is not clear. At present, there are two main points of view: one is the sludge stabilization boundary stabilization for sludge treatment, sludge disposal is stabilized after another; is that the sewage treatment plant, plant community, plant for sludge treatment, sludge disposal. Outside the factory for processing, disposal concept confusion, resulting in sludge treatment, sludge disposal target is unknown, then affects the management orientation, formulate technical route selection and technical standards. In order to facilitate the discussion, we put forward a clear definition. As discussed in this paper and the industry peer reference. The sludge treatment sludge by unit processes the combined treatment, to achieve reduction, stabilization, the whole process of harmless sludge disposal. Objective: the treated sludge, abandoned in the natural environment In the environment (ground, underground, water) or reuse, to achieve long-term stability and to the ecological environment without the final disposal way of the adverse effects.
    Sewage and sludge are two systems to solve the problem of city water pollution are equally important and closely related. Sludge treatment and disposal of sewage treatment is the guarantee to the final implementation, in developed countries, sludge disposal is an important part of the sewage treatment plant investment accounted for about 50 of the total investment to 70%. are the main methods of sludge treatment and disposal landfill, incineration and various forms of land use. Due to the specific circumstances of different countries, the method of choice is different. In the United States land use gradually occupy the leading role at the end of 80s, the main landfill accounted for about 42% of the 1998 land use rose sharply to 59%, 2005 is expected to land use proportion will rise to 66%; because of the land area of Japan small, by burning about 63%, 22% land use, landfill 5%, about 10% others; focus on the EU member states are not the same, at present Luxemburg, Denmark and France To the main agricultural sludge, Ireland, Finland and Portugal and other countries will gradually increase the proportion of sludge, while France, Luxemburg, Germany and Holland, plans to increase the proportion of burning. Even in the different parts of a country are different, such as a large industrial city in the north of England, due to the high content of heavy metals in sludge and contains some toxic ingredients, so the burning ratio is about 50%, while the other UK city in land utilization of sewage sludge. The above analysis has two Inspirations: one is all part of sludge the treatment is very important as disposal of sewage treatment system, given the huge investment, so that pollution control can draw a full stop, this is the idea of sewage treatment is mature; two different countries and regions according to local conditions to take the sludge treatment and disposal technology of respective routes, the main consideration for the industrial structure and land resources, city level.
    The basic situation of Zhengzhou Taida energy saving drying equipment Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional, the company has modified conditioning of sludge dehydration, sludge low-temperature heat dry processing technology, and have rich experience in engineering has for paper making waste water treatment station, printing and dyeing waste water treatment station and municipal sewage water treatment plant, a sewage treatment plant to solve the problem of sludge treatment, is a domestic strong comprehensive strength of the sludge treatment enterprises. For the sludge treatment projects, the company will according to the basic situation of the project site, the sewage treatment plant put forward suitable sludge treatment scheme. Nanjing wanders, welcome the sludge process owners to come to visit, to discuss cooperation.  

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